Interview: Company owner Thomas Kingo Karlsen

In this interview, contractor & owner Thomas Kingo Karlsen talks about what he gained from participating in a Successive Analysis of one of the company’s major projects – together with a group of colleagues.

Kingo Karlsen Demolition is one of Denmark’s largest demolition companies, working throughout Denmark on small to large demolition projects.

Listen to Thomas answer a series of questions about the Successive Principle:

  • What do you think of the brainstorming process?
  • What do you think about grouping the keywords?
  • What do you think about the Top10 uncertainties?
  • What do you think of the action plans?

The Successive Principle is (probably) one of the world’s best method for combining Risk Management with Estimating budgets, business cases or schedules.

Results from the estimation are:

  • A valuable early risk assessment
  • Top 10 uncertainties and associated action plans
  • S-curve to determine a robust offer, budget or schedule
  • Increased ownership among analytics participants
  • You stand out in a tender situation/tender

Norway has used the method in the ‘Anslagsmetoden’ since 1999. Norwegian research concludes that 74% of 108 large public projects (urban construction and IT projects) come in under budget! Quite thought-provoking.

See more interviews on the YouTube channel with e.g:

  • Professor Ole Johnny Klakegg, NUTU,
  • Tunnel Project Manager Per Rydberg, Trafikverket, Sweden
  • Technical Director Leif Lindberg, Linköping Municipality, Sweden
  • Senior Consultant, Gunnar Bohlin, Sweden
  • CEO Klaus Bjørnestad G Hjulmann, KB Software, Denmark
  • CEO Jeremy Fitton, SkyLifter.Eu, England

Idea, video and editing:
Senior Project Manager, IPMA B
Henrik K Søndergaard

Christian Binger-Thorup

Owner, Thomas Kingo Karlsen

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